Custom Events and Workshops


FountainBlue leverages its two decades of experience producing custom events, workshops, fireside chats, interactive trainings and other interactive programs both online and on-site to partner with select corporate partners to produce custom events of interest to internal staff members as well as external partners and customers.

Programs for GOLD Corporate Partners

Starting in 2025, FountainBlue will offer Quarterly Fireside Chats, Panel Discussions, as well as Interactive Workshops or Trainings for our GOLD Corporate Partners. These programs are generally held directly following our 2025 on-site and online ‘When We Speak’ programs, either between 3-4 p.m. on Thursdays or 8-9 a.m. on Fridays, in-person, in Silicon Valley.

Workshop formats range from fireside chat to panel discussion, from trainings and assessments, on a wide range of theme-based topics. We welcome your suggestions and recommendations.

Annual Event: Visioning for 2025 – (January 16 or 23)

Q1 theme (Feb 13, March 13 or Apr 10): Celebrating Progress: in honor of International Women’s Day

  • Fireside Chat: Being One of the Onlys
  • Panel: Earn a Seat at the Table
  • Panel: Create a People-First Mindset
  • Panel: Lead from Any Chair
  • Interactive Workshop with Assessment: Embracing Your Authentic Self
  • Interactive Workshop: Building a Culture of Trust
  • Interactive Workshop: Aligning Your Thoughts, Words and Actions
  • Interactive Workshop: Managing Work-Life Integration
  • Training: Overcoming Imposter Syndrome
  • Training: Choosing to Step Up and Step In
  • Training: Understanding the Why, the What and the How

Q2 theme (May 8, June 12, or July 10): Career Agility: Staying Relevant in the Midst of Change

  • Fireside Chat: Embrace the VUCA Reality – the Art and Science of Seeing Around Corners
  • Panel: Be the Brand You Seek to Be
  • Panel: Manage Up, Down and Sideways
  • Panel: Manage the Good, the Bad and the Ugly
  • Panel: Transition from Technologist to Manager
  • Interactive Workshop with Assessment: Ways to Lead
  • Interactive Workshop: Embracing Career Agility in the Next Normal
  • Interactive Workshop: Welcoming the Gift of Feedback
  • Interactive Workshop: Speaking so you feel heard.
  • Interactive Workshop: Swimming in Choppy Waters
  • Training: Developing the Art and Science of Persuasion  
  • Training: Building Alignment on Purpose
  • Training: Staying in Front of the Change Curve

Q3 theme (Aug 14, Sept 18, or Oct 9): Building Bridges: We Are Better Together

  • Fireside Chat: Communicate, Connect, Engage
  • Panel: Collaboration Best Practices
  • Panel: Lean In to Level Up
  • Interactive Workshop with Assessment: Connecting with People Not-Like-You
  • Interactive Workshop: Creating a Recipe for Excellence
  • Interactive Workshop: Facilitating a Trust-Based, Change-Embracing Workforce
  • Interactive Workshop: What He Said, What He Meant
  • Training: Difficult Conversations? Bring Them On!
  • Training: Overcoming Unconscious Bias

For more information about becoming a corporate partner for 2025, please e-mail us at

Upskilling Workers to Meet Rising Demands

McKinsey’s June 10, 2024 Chart of the Day showcased results from a survey of more than 1,000 global C-suite executives, about 40 percent say there’s a shortage of workers with critical thinking and other higher cognitive skills.

FountainBlue’s custom training and development focus on delivering the social and emotional skills needed for the future of work:

  • Adaptability
  • Communication
  • Negotiation
  • Creativity
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Empathy
  • Leadership and Management
  • Teaching and Training

Connect with us for a 15-minute discussion about your specific needs and your specific audience and we will provide you with a no-obligation quote for our upskilling and training services.


Custom Events

In addition to our workshops and programs for our Gold Corporate partners and our upskilling training mentioned above, FountainBlue will continue offering custom on-site programs for select corporate clients.

Any of the fireside chats, panels, workshops and trainings may be offered as custom workshops at any time of year. The assessments in particular may be customized based on your specific needs.

Embracing Your Authentic Self

  • Myers Briggs‘ 16 types, providing insights into their preferences in four dimensions: extraversion/introversion, sensing/intuition, thinking/feeling, and judging/perceiving
  • Enneagram: nine distinct personality types, each with its own core drives, fears, and motivations
  • DISC assessment personality categories: Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Conscientiousness 
  • The Ten Item Personality Inventory (TIPI): extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, and openness 

Ways to Lead

  • Leadership Circle’s free self-assessment, analyzes 29 key dimensions of leadership, providing insights into how individuals achieve results, lead with vision, bring out the best in others, and improve organizational systems. It also measures reactive tendencies and their potential impact on leadership style.
  • Reactive 360’s 360-degree Assessment provide feedback questionnaires from bosses, customers, peers, direct reports and yourself
  • Hogan Assessments ask test-takers to evaluate their leadership strengths, preferred work environment and behavioral tendencies. These assessments help predict a managerial candidate’s future performance and leadership style. 
  • Interactive Leadership Style Assessments: These assessments analyze an individual’s unique leadership style to provide a better understanding of how team members view them.
  • Culture-Orientation Fit Assessments: These assessments establish an individual’s strengths, weaknesses, and recommended culture-orientation fit, providing a series of numbers detailing their ability and behavioral fits.

Connecting with People Not Like You

  • The Institute for Health and Human Potential (IHHP) assessment of a person’s ability to interpret and respond to their own feelings as well as to the emotions of those around them.
  • The Princeton Management Consulting Group (Princeton MCG) – Leadership Blind Spot Assessment helps company leaders recognize blind spots within their team, company or the markets where they sell products or services.
  • MindTools ‘How Good Are Your Leadership Skills’ is a free 18-question online leadership assessment which evaluates test-takers in their perspectives and attitudes towards the world, their emotional intelligence and their self-confidence.
  • The Neethling Brain Instrument (NBI) assessment helps test-takers determine their preferred thinking methods and offers advice on how to develop the aspects or methods of thinking they use less frequently.
  • Optimal Thinking‘s free leadership assessment asks participants 25 different questions about their interactions with others, behaviors and values and helps directors and supervisors understand how to improve their leadership weaknesses and hone their leadership strengths.
  • The Energy Leadership Index (ELI) attitudinal assessment analyzes how perceptions of the world affect your behaviors, thoughts and opinions are impacting their emotional intelligence as well as how to better contribute to delivering positive results, motivating other people, and inspiring creativity.
  • TINYpulse is tool which invites supervisees, team members or colleagues complete anonymous leadership assessments so managers or supervisors understand better how others in the workplace view their leadership style, abilities and strengths.

Although each meeting varies in objective, in size, in format, our custom events generally involve:

  • Participation in a pre-meeting to gauge background and objectives for an upcoming program;
  • Development of an Event Project plan to include abstract, objectives, logistics, agenda, bios, communications and outreach strategy, etc.,
  • Integration of event with overall corporate, marketing or HR/leadership objectives, in collaboration with event leaders;
  • Facilitation of a panelist prep call to coordinate messaging and content and address operational and administrative questions;
  • Facilitation and coordination of overall event program and panel or workshop discussion; and
  • Production of follow-up notes for review and approval by participating panelists and hosts/sponsors,
  • Distribution of notes to attendees if desired, and
  • Follow-up/debrief with event production and leadership team.

Next Normal

Strategic Facilitation

With the rapid changes brought on by the pandemic and its aftermath, recent themes and topics have focused around change.

  • Fireside chats featuring executives regarding strategic direction, transformational change initiatives, product launches, product direction, workforce development initiatives, etc.,
  • Goal-Setting and Strategic retreats for executives and board members
  • Other? We are certified board executives with experience facilitating board meetings and board committees on strategy, board development, human capital and other committees


Team Building

  • Team Building and Cohesion
  • Goal Setting, Charter, Roles and Responsibilities, Milestones, Deliverables
  • Workforce development and integration
  • Collaboration within and outside organization
  • Conflict Resolution and Mediation
  • Other? We have decades of experience working with a wide range of teams

Assessments and Coaching

  • At the organizational level, we provide strategic assessments based on market and customer trends and facilitate meetings at the board and executive level.
  • At the team level, we provide team and individual level assessments and work on team dynamics as identified by the assessments and as requested by senior management.
  • At the individual level, we provide soft skills assessments and deliver ongoing coaching and support for identified staff members.

Recent Trainings and Presentations for the HR Community

  • SHRM Certification Instructor – for San Jose State University
  • AI for HR – The Good, The Bad and the Ugly – for SD SHRM

Recent and Upcoming Presentations for Entrepreneurs

  • So You Want to Be an Entrepreneur – for San Diego State University Entrepreneurship Forum
  • Diversifying Revenue Models – for San Diego State University Lavin Entrepreneur Center

Recent Client Talks and Presentations

  • The Art and Science of Persuasion – for a Client Program Leadership Team
  • The Art and Science of Seeing Around Corners – for IBDC.D
  • Re-Build, Re-USE, or Re-Tire: A Framework for Evaluating Code Base – for a Client Engineering Team

Rates and Fees

As a GOLD Corporate Partner, the fee is $10,000 (plus flight, car and hotel) and includes up to three workshop, panel, fireside chat or training a quarter. See above for available dates and suggested topics.

In general, for these workshops and other custom programs, we understand that each meeting, workshop and presentation varies in terms of objectives, format, strategy, audience, outcomes, etc., so it’s difficult to discuss specific rates and fees.

However, our hourly rate is $400/hour and our daily rate is $5000/day.

When we travel for speaking engagements, our fees range from $3000-5000 and generally include:

Team/Group Meeting:

  • Planning, Delivery and Follow-Up for facilitated 30-40 minute On-site Group Event

Manager/Leader Training:

  • Planning, Delivery and Follow-Up for facilitated 30-40 minute On-site Group Event

The estimated cost for a one-hour online meeting ranges from $2500-$4000 and includes planning, coordination, facilitation, follow-up, etc.,

For clients who sign up for presentations either online or in person, we offer custom coaching and assessment for 2-6 identified high-potential staff members for an additional $2000-$4000 fee. For more information, find out about our executive coaching services, our ongoing team development services, or or e-mail us at

As a second option, we offer cultural assessment and cultural transformation support for an additional $4000-$7500 fee. For more information, find out about our cultural transformational services or e-mail us at

Another option for workshop and event clients is facilitated strategic discussions for senior executives and board members. For more information, find out about our board advisory services or e-mail us at