Executive Coaching

FountainBlue LLC’s Executive Coaching and Consulting services support the strategic, communication, operational, and engagement goals for leaders at all levels (from interns to CEOs, from new-hires to founding staff), across multiple industries (generally driven by technology), across all roles (from engineering and product to marketing and management, from finance and operations to HR).

At FountainBlue LLC, we apply our decades of successful experience, our breadth of market and technology knowledge, our people-first mindset, our strategy-meets-planning process, and our focus on delivering results with each coaching conversation, each consulting project. 

In our coaching practice, we act as confidential and supportive sounding boards for their clients asking questions, challenging assumptions, helping achieve clarity, providing resources, and when requested and appropriate, providing advice. Our overarching goal for our coaching practice is to work with individual clients to realize extraordinary results in the short term, and lasting ongoing impact for themselves and for others they touch personally and professionally.

FountainBlue LLC’s motto is Facilitating Leadership and Innovation,

One Conversation, One Leader, One Organization at a Time.  

What’s an Executive Coach?

A client asked me ‘What’s an executive coach?’ I reflected, then responded with mostly thoughts on what an executive coach *isn’t*.

  • An executive coach is not your teacher, for she doesn’t necessarily know *more* than you, but she does guide you with the right questions.
  • An executive coach is not your therapist, for she focuses as much on business results as on emotional well being.
  • An executive coach is not your cheerleader, for she’s a mirror who reflects back what you did so that you can choose for yourself what you like, what you will change.
  • An executive coach is not your best friend, for she will respond neutrally and perhaps add another perspective.
  • An executive coach is not your boss, for she doesn’t manage or reward you, but she can help you better understand and manage yourself.
  • An executive coach is not your sponsor, for she’s not connected enough to open doors for you, but she can help you strategize so that you can open doors for yourself.
  • An executive coach is not your mentor, for she hasn’t necessarily walked the path you’re on, but she can help you strategize on the best path for becoming a better version of yourself.
  • An executive coach is not your spouse, for she provides a neutral outside perspective, without an agenda.

There’s no one-size fits all for executive coaches. The best ones help you step into the best version of yourself.

To schedule a no-obligation 15-minute call about whether we might meet your executive coaching needs, visit https://cal.mixmax.com/fountainblue/15.

What Sets Us Apart

As founder and CEO of FountainBlue LLC, Linda has produced dozens of programs on-site and online on innovation and leadership topics. She has coached dozens of executives at all levels, worked with dozens of teams on change management objectives, and strategized with dozens of HR leaders on engagement goals, team dynamics, performance management and other people-related issues.

As a serial entrepreneur, Linda has led consultative sales efforts, working with client companies to develop and support their teams, to address operational challenges, and to strategize on growth initiatives.

As a former director at a venture firm and former managing director of an incubator, Linda has advised dozens of tech start-ups in a wide range of industries on their strategic, marketing, and growth initiatives, while supporting their operational and management goals.

As a lifelong learner and seasoned and connected leader and coach, Linda takes pride in listening deeply, and working with client individuals and companies to stimulate critical thinking and facilitate strategic action with a clarity of purpose focused on achieving targeted goals.

As a passionate instigator of change, Linda facilitates innovation and action one conversation, one leader, one organization at a time through her work at FountainBlue LLC and the communities and leaders serve.

As a recently certified global board member, Linda supports technology-based organizations at the board level as a non-executive director, strategic adviser, and change management expert.

Based on testimonials and feedback from our clients over the past two decades, FountainBlue’s coaching program stands out in specific ways.

  • Our customizable process for providing quantitative and qualitative measurements on identified soft skills help us deliver targeted and impactful results.
  • Our decades of broad and successful experience cover a wide range of industries, companies, technologies, levels, geographies, etc., This in-depth and broad experience helps us frame opportunities and challenges more strategically and plan-fully. 
  • Our clients range from entrepreneurial interns to CEOs, from start-ups to Fortune 100 companies, from roles in  engineering, product, marketing, finance, operations, and HR. 
  • Our network of contacts support business development goals and strategic objectives.
  • Our authenticity, integrity and empathy are the hallmarks for each conversation.
  • At $200/half hour for coaching and consulting services, our rates are reasonable and our work is guaranteed and our committed hours never time-out. You only pay for the hours that you productively use. If you’re not happy, we’re not happy, and we will make it right.  

What are our qualifications?



  • Executive coach, leadership consultant, strategic adviser, FountainBlue LLC – since 2005
  • Strategic Adviser and Consultant for client companies, Galatia Inc – 1995-2001

Additional information is available on LinkedIn and on our About Us page and a board bio is available if you’re a global technology company looking for strategic advisory and human capital management expertise.

To schedule a no-obligation 15-minute call about whether we might meet your executive coaching needs, visit https://cal.mixmax.com/fountainblue/15.

Who We Serve

FountainBlue LLC works with professionals at all levels, from interns to CEOs, across all industries, from all functions. Our clients have many things in common:

At the organizational level:

  • They are undergoing a lot of change, based on market trends, customer requirements, and workforce shifts.
  • They are leveraging technology to optimize processes and tasks, optimizing efficiency and effectiveness.

At the individual level:

  • They are lifelong learners interested in continuous improvement for themselves and those they touch, as measured by quantitative and qualitative outcomes.
  • They are respectful, courageous and open-minded communicators, committed to creating and designing win-for-all solutions and connecting with humility, transparency and authenticity.
  • They adopt the data from the learnings and convert it to knowledge, which can be applied on tasks with greater impact.

At the team level:

  • They are other-centered leaders and managers who are invested in the success of their teams.
  • They are strategic leaders who regularly contribute to a culture-forward mindset which will greatly differentiate their products, company and their teams.

Who we don’t serve

We take pride in serving a wide range of leaders and managers, from executives and entrepreneurs to interns and investors. But we take a hard line and don’t serve:

  • those who don’t want coaching/aren’t ready for coaching – commitment to the process is key;
  • those who don’t think that we *can* help them – they are probably right;
  • those who see the trees and not the forest, and would like help getting others to do the same – not an area of expertise for us;
  • those who don’t share the data, or share false data – it’s hard to create results under those circumstances;
  • those whose objectives are to not do right by others – no judgment here, just honoring our own moral code; and
  • those who expect instant/immediate results – for miracle don’t generally happen overnight.

Geographic Locations

Although we do in-person coaching when we have on-site contracts for coaching and event production services, most of our Coaching takes place online over Zoom, Teams, Meet or Webex. We are physically located in San Diego, but are honored to be selected as an exceptional Life and Executive coach for select US-based cities. We are have global clients and generally our clients work with teammates from around the world.

See below for testimonials on our impact over the past 20+ years of coaching.

Effective, Life-Changing Results

  • I’m amazed at the bottom-line results I’m getting from my team members, and even more pleased with how genuinely more calm and happy they are, despite the increased stress levels and workloads. Linda continues to do an extraordinary job for all of us.
  • Linda helped me crystallize my value-add and strategize with me to find my fit and then grow first myself, and then my company.
  • I’ve worked with hundreds of corporate executives at all levels, but Linda’s business savvy, creative ideas, collaborative style and results-orientation make her stand out.​​ My company and I continue to greatly benefited from her energy and expertise.
  • I brought Linda in to help with my team, and was so pleasantly surprised at how quickly *they* began stepping up and helping *me* out.!
  • Linda has this amazing ability to subtlety guide you on a path, leveraging her confidence in your abilities. By the time you realize that ‘you can do it and do it well’, you see  Linda has been right there with you all along.
  • Linda is incredibly intuitive with an amazing ability to quickly connect the dots and reach for those opportunities which better fit my values and my vision.

Coaching Style

  • I’ve had a LOT of coaches. What sets Linda apart is that she doesn’t just teach me about concepts and connections, she applies what I tell her and challenges me to integrate the learnings so that I’m better stretching myself, serving my team, and delivering on commitments.
  • With Linda’s help, I am not only more influential and productive, I am also more centered and energetic. I would highly recommend her as an executive coach and leadership consultant.
  • Linda is equally impressive at articulating the vision I’m seeking, and setting things in motion to make it happen. She is scary smart and equally kind and compassionate.
  • Linda’s coaching style is authentic, direct, resilient, empathetic, amusing, and effective, and her professionalism, industriousness and leadership shines through with every conversation.
  • Linda’s humility and empathy helps me feel deeply heard. Her compassion is quickly followed by her kind, no-nonsense focus on forging ahead, delivering results despite the challenges. It’s exhausting and exhilarating to engage in the process. And the results speak for themselves.
  • I feel a sense of calm when I get to see Linda. She helps me think that everything is OK, no matter what shenanigans are going on in my life.
  • There’s never a problem too big, or a problem too small. And there’s *always* a path forward and upward. Meeting with her is generally a highlight of my day.
  • Linda listens more deeply and more broadly than anyone I’ve ever met. And when I finally stop talking, she asks the questions which make me start talking anew. When I finally stop talking, I am exhausted and energized at the same time. It’s an amazing and invigorating experience.
  • Linda’s integrity, energy, enthusiasm and persistence make her great to work with and hard to keep up with.
  • Linda is the most empathetic and trustworthy person I’ve ever met. She’s got my back, no matter what should happen.
  • Linda embodies servant leadership at all levels and adds value to every conversation she facilitates.

Making Connections

  • Linda consistently traverses a range of business, strategic, operational, legal and financial issues with well placed questions and knowledge. From there, she consistently threads together seemingly disparate ideas to develop a comprehensive and collaborative strategy which benefits an ecosystem of stakeholders.
  • Linda Holroyd is exceptionally skilled at drawing insights and creating connections – between ideas, people, and companies – based on her depth of knowledge of markets, customers, and industry dynamics.
  • There is nobody better at making connections from disparate pieces of data than Linda Holroyd. She has created order from chaos many times during my career, and keeps me engaged, empowered and centered. I continue to see her regularly, and also benefit from the coaching she provides for my direct reports.
  • Linda Holroyd is the best kind of connector: one who gets what needs to be done for your business, and works with you to develop the strategy to get there, leveraging her impressive network and talents.

Extensive Network

  • Linda’s vast professional network not only provides her with unique insight to businesses of all sizes and stages, but connects her with executive leadership in a wide variety of fields and industries, so she’s always learning, always relevant.
  • Linda is an exceptionally well-connected innovator/strategist with a proven track record for conceiving and successfully implementing programs which benefit everyone across the ecosystem.

FountainBlue’s coaching, mediation, consulting and advisory rates are typically $400/hour, with a bonus hour for 11+ hour commitments and two bonus hours for 21+ hour commitments. We would recommend starting with a 10-hour pilot program priced at $4,000, and designed to gather quantitative and qualitative baseline measurements for identified soft skills, including:

  • Metrics on Leadership and Management – as identified by clients and industry experts
  • Measuring Excellence – at the individual, team and organizational level
  • Measures of Alignment – strategies for remaining centered and focused
  • Benchmarks for Quantitative Measurements of soft skills 

I’m happy to schedule a no-obligation 15-minute zoom call to address any initial questions.

Our Rates and Fees for Executive Coaching:

FountainBlue’s coaching rates are typically $400/hour, with volume discounts at 11 and 21 hours. We generally launch our coaching program by gathering quantitative and qualitative baseline measurements for identified soft skills. This 10-20 – hour pilot program is priced from $4,000-$8,000, and and might include:

  • Metrics on Leadership and Management – as identified by clients and industry experts
  • Measuring Excellence – at the individual, team and organizational level
  • Measures of Alignment – strategies for remaining centered and focused
  • Benchmarks for Quantitative Measurements of soft skills 

Our fees for Executive Coaching services are $400/hour with volume discounts as outlined below, and do not include travel, lodging, and other expenses. Individual sessions are typically held for 30 minutes online.

  • 2-10 hours = $400/hour
  • 11-20 hours = $300/hour
  • 21+ hours = $250/hour

If you are considering individual coaching services, please email us and provide us with information about your circumstances, including the information below.

  • your personal and professional background,
  • your personal goals for coaching in the short term and for the long term,
  • your support network and resources,
  • what has worked for you in the past and
  • why you would like to make a commitment to coaching now.

We will respond to your email with details about a scheduling a coaching session if we feel we can support your current needs.

E-mail us with any questions or submit your own testimonial!