Team Coaching and Leadership Development

As a change management consultants, FountainBlue provides one-on-one coaching as well as team facilitation and management, with an emphasis on strategic scenario-planning, particularly around digital transformation initiatives.

At FountainBlue, our job is to work with our clients to proactively manage change through strategic facilitation, collaborative scenario-planning, as well as results-driven execution practices.

Team and organizational coaching and consulting might include:

  • Individual coaching sessions for executive and select staff members
  • Meeting facilitation
  • Strategic consultation and advisory
  • Team and individual coaching
  • Change management and integration
  • Other services as requested and confirmed

Strategic Consultation:

1. Evaluate the current situation and desired end state in light of  current market, technology and customer trends.

2. Empower the leadership team and key stakeholders to define the strategy and vision.

3. Enlist input and participation from a wide range of stakeholders.

4. Conduct strategic scenario-planning with the intent of optimizing people, processes and results.

Scenario Planning:

5. Integrate strategic goals into operational plans based on a range of scenarios.

6. Facilitate ongoing conversations to ensure alignment between groups and individuals.

7. Ensure access to resources and feedback to enable successful implementation.

8. Encourage and reward strategic problem-solving and decision-making which is collaborative, transparent, and results-oriented.

Results-Based Execution:

9. Create and sustain a growth mindset which embraces failure and invites respectful diversity in thinking, speaking and acting.

10. Invite the input and perspectives of laggards, outliers, skeptics and under-performers while celebrating the successes of leaders, managers, and collaborators.

Upskilling Teams to Meet Rising Demands

McKinsey’s June 10, 2024 Chart of the Day showcased results from a survey of more than 1,000 global C-suite executives, about 40 percent say there’s a shortage of workers with critical thinking and other higher cognitive skills.

FountainBlue supports individual workers and teams to work collaboratively to improve higher cognitive functions needed for the future of work:

  • Complex information processing
  • Communication and Coordination
  • Critical thinking
  • Decision-Making
  • Problem-Solving
  • Optimization and Planning
  • Leadership and Management
  • Project Management

Connect with us for a 15-minute discussion about your specific needs and your specific audience and we will provide you with a no-obligation quote for our upskilling and training services.

Objectives and Takeaways for Team Consulting


In general, at the team level, we build cohesion and develop trust with an emphasis on candor, honesty and crucial conversation. Our team and leadership consulting services consistently emphasize empowerment and growth at the individual, team and organizational levels. We take pride in working with our client companies to:

  • improve team dynamics and communication
  • facilitate learning and development
  • empower and support individual team members
  • align leaders, managers and divisions and
  • achieve business objectives while developing culture and empowering people at all levels.

Common Objectives and Takeaways for Team Consulting are listed below:

  • Improve culture, participation, retention, and energy from participating individuals and teams, as measured by engagement surveys and metrics.
  • Improve clarity on vision and alignment on goals, as measured by surveys, interviews, and measured results.
  • Improve communication and connection between individuals, teams, leaders, partners, as measured by participating levels and engagement surveys.
  • Increase collaboration between participating individuals, teams, leaders and partners, as indicated by the number of collaborative projects and the number of teams and leaders participating in each of them.

Envision, Plan, Execute in Collaboration


With each client project, our emphasis is first on collaborating to articulate a clear strategic vision, next to align all communications to that vision, and then to empower all to execute on the people, process, and operational aspects of that vision.

Our strength lies in facilitating an alignment of communication with the vision, enabling dynamic and transparent reports on the progress toward that vision, designing an optimized people- and technology- driven process to operationalize that vision, and collaboratively delivering results which meet or surpass expectations for that vision.


Connect with us and share your digital transformation or change management opportunity and challenge, so we can help you envision, plan and realize What’s Next for your industry, your organization, your team, or yourself.

Respond to some questions below and sign up for a complementary 15-minute call to discover what’s next for you, and how you can step into more influence and impact for your team, your product/service, your organization.

  1. What does your team/organization do (specifically) for whom and why are you better than other options?
  2. What would your team/organization like to do in your next chapter of your life and career, and how has what you’ve done in the past better positioned you to do it well? What else do you need to do to better prepare you for this next chapter?
  3. What sectors, companies and leaders should you target, given the above?
  4. What else would you like to share about yourself, your team/organization, your background, your desired future state?

Collaborate to Address People, Process and Metrics Imperatives

FountainBlue Consulting

It takes ongoing collaboration to make progress on the people, process and operational goals, and even to re-visit what the vision is!

  • People: Team Building, Leadership Development, Training, Recruitment, Retention, Promotion, Diversity & Inclusion
  • Process: IT Integration, HR Applications, Policies, Standards and Compliance,
  • Metrics: Management by Objectives (MBOs), Objectives and Key Results (OKRs), Recruitment, Development, Engagement, Promotion and Retention Numbers

Testimonials and Differentiators


1. Integration of Strategy, Planning and Execution: FountainBlue excels at facilitating a strategic discussion, coordinating planning across teams, and working with all parties to deliver and communicate measurable results.

2. Market and Customer-Driven: FountainBlue centers our strategic conversations around the market opportunities and the current and projected customer needs.

3. Ecosystem Approach: FountainBlue excels at envisioning and creating an ecosystem of stakeholders, and engaging key parties to provide input on the visioning, planning and execution for key projects.

4. Local to Global, Global to Local: FountainBlue facilitates discussions which look both at the market and customer impact as well as the operational and people impact for product and business decisions.


5. Innovation-Focused: FountainBlue helps us to focus on the business imperatives around innovation – stretching our technology, solutions, ideas, and creativity to better support our customers.

6. Scenario-Based Facilitation: FountainBlue consistently displays the extraordinary ability to facilitate conversations around scenarios to help us understand the short-term and long-term implications of our decisions and while also engaging stakeholders across the ecosystem in the decision-making process.

7. Collaborative Problem-Solving: FountainBlue excels at bringing all stakeholders to the table to brainstorm alternatives, opportunities and implications to critical business issues.

8. Agile and Iterative Planning: FountainBlue’s ongoing support helps us all be more agile with our planning, more receptive to iterating our vision and plans as scenarios and priorities change for our organization, for our customers, for the market.


9. Efficient Optimization of People, Process, and Results: FountainBlue ensures that every conversation factors in the people, process and metrics needed to drive progress on goals, as well as alignment of values.

10. Transparent, Inclusive and Direct Communication: Throughout the change management consultation process, FountainBlue worked with us to ensure that our communications were transparent, clear, inclusive, and aligned with our goals, values, and strategies.

Team Coaching and Leadership Development

FountainBlue LLC’s coaching and consulting services range from one-on-one coaching to team coaching, from strategic consultation to meeting facilitation. Our fees for Team Coaching and Development services are $400/hour with volume discounts with a two hour minimum, with individual or team sessions typically held for 30 minutes online.

  • 2-10 hours = $400/hour
  • 11-20 hours = $300/hour
  • 21+ hours = $250/hour

If you are considering leadership development for your team, we generally provide strategic advisory for the executive level, team facilitation with the group, as well as coaching for individual team members. If you are a team leader interested in finding out more, please email us and provide us with information about your circumstances, including the information below.

  • your personal and professional background as well as your team and organizational background,
  • your personal goals for coaching in the short term and for the long term for your team and the individual members,
  • how your team works with other teams within and across your organization,
  • current challenges and opportunities for your team, along with resources and support available,
  • what has worked for you in the past, along with what you’ve tried already with your team and
  • why you would like to make a coaching commitment for yourself and your team now.

We will respond within 2 business days and schedule a 15-minute, no obligation Zoom call if we feel we might be of service to you.